Forum Rules

Before having access to our forums, please confirm that you agree to our rules regarding moderation and content on the forums. 

Healthcare Professional Website Forum

  1. A safe place for all
    This website and forum is exclusively for healthcare professionals of all levels to share experiences and, if needed, find support as a group in a safe environment.
  2. This website is facilitated by Kidney Cancer UK
    Kidney Cancer UK host, monitor and moderate this website and all forum pages through its health professional team. We reserve the right to decline/remove posts without notice or explanation.
  3. Be kind and courteous
    This is a safe, supportive and caring forum. Please treat everyone with respect and consider the sensitivities of other members situations. Any persons/posts breaking this rule will be removed from the group.
  4. Respect everyone’s privacy in the forums
    Forums such as this require mutual trust. Open and expressive chat make this group great, but it may also be sensitive and private chat. So, please, what is shared in the forum must stay in the forum.
  5. No commercial ads or promo for illegal treatments
    All posts advertising or promoting commercial businesses, illegal or approved drugs, treatments or therapies will be declined or removed without notice or explanation.
  6. Promotion of other charities
    We would respectfully ask that fundraising or events for charities other than Kidney Cancer UK are not promoted, shared or linked to in the forum. Any such posts will be removed or declined
  7. Keep content factual, understandable & available
    Posts and comments of unsubstantiated, factually incorrect and/or misleading information that alludes to treating/curing cancer will be removed or declined.
  8. Links & News Stories
    Posts and comments about medical news and research must be current, relevant, and/or appropriate to the treatment and betterment of kidney cancer.
  9. Broken or faulty links
    Posts displaying attachments showing ‘Content Not Available’ will be declined.
  10. No Anonymous Posting
    This Forum is designed to inform and encourage professional relationship building through knowledge sharing and such anonymous posting is not allowed.