Home » Kidney Cancer Training Program » Module 0 – Course Structure » Unit 0.1 – Where Do I Begin?

Unit 0.1 – Where Do I Begin?

There is no single route through this course that you should take. There is no timetable and there are no deadlines. You can work through the materials at your own pace and in whatever order you choose.

However, the course is carefully organised. The principal course content (which is accessed from the left-hand menu) is structured into Modules (about specific themes and specific aspects of kidney cancer). Within each Module there are many Units (which focus on specific topics).

If you follow the course content in order from Module 1 to Module 9, you will begin with a general introduction to renal cancer (Module 1). The diagnosis and staging of this disease are explored in Module 2. Modules 3 and 4 examine the treatments of renal cancer. Module 5 looks at palliative issues for renal cancer and the importance of information and support to those affected by this cancer is discussed in Module 6. A case scenario of a renal cancer patient is presented in Module 7 and the future of renal cancer and its management is raised in Module 8. The course is concluded in Module 9.

If you do work through all of the Modules you may find that some of the information is repeated at particular points. This is intentional and necessary as it reinforces certain points and it supports learners who will only work through specific Modules rather than the entire course.